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Individual Webinars 5 — Online Seminars

Trading System Development II - 17 Jul '09

Develop a new effectively back-tested trading system! Refine a concept and an indicator, Turn the Indicator into a strategy, Develop the strategy into an objective and diversified trading system. Take the next steps in developing a trading system on the Genesis Trade Navigator ™ Platinum software. Best of all you keep your system, that would sell for up to $3900! ADVANCED!

Trading System Development III - 16 Jun '09

Develop and keep a new and effectively back-tested trading system - proven on out-of-sample data. Level 1 & 2 were so successful, I have had numerous requests to continue. Accordingly I invite you to attend Trading System Development Level 3. We will develop yet another new trading system which will be yours to keep! ADVANCED!

Trading System Development IV - 22 Dec '09

Learn to develop a new and effectively back-tested trading system using proven on 'out-of-sample' data. TSD Level 1-3 were so successful, I had numerous requests to continue. In Trading System Development IV we developed yet another new system! I show exactly how to take the next sten to develop trading systems on Genesis™ Trade Navigator™ Platinum. ADVANCED!

Volatility Breakout Short-Term Trading -28 Jun 07

Volatility Breakout (VB) has long been a favorite method among commodity and stock traders. Jake presents his ideas on VB and shows how to implement them for short term trades

Unlocking the Seasonal Code I - 14 Jun '08

Learn seasonals with timing triggers using Jakes methods. Jake is a pioneer in seasonal trading. His work focuses on high accuracy and precision along with clear profit maximizing strategies

Unlocking the Seasonal Code II - 23 Feb '10

End confusion, embrace clarity! Unlock the power and accuracy of Seasonals in stocks, futures and spreads. Learn the seasonal trading method from setup to trigger and follow-through! "Seasonal price behavior in stocks and futures is the most powerful method I have discovered in my four decades of experience." Register Now for the most comprehensive and detailed, 100% objective Webinar ever on seasonals use in futures, spreads and stocks. BONUS: 1-Month free trial of

Urgent Timing - 15 Sep '08

Timing is the key to all trades and trading. Forecasts without timing are meaningless. Jake shows you his timing triggers designed to take advantage of the market lows he has been expecting in late 2008

Urgent Timing UPDATE - 27 Sep '08

Timing is the key to all trades and trading. Forecasts without timing are meaningless. Jake shows you his latest timing triggers designed to take advantage of the market lows he has been expecting in late 2008

Using Commitment of Traders Reports - 12 Jul '08

Preview Webinar

For many years traders have recognized the potential value of the COT report - but not too many traders know how to use this valuable information. This fantastic Webinar teaches you all of jakes methods as well as his proprietary timing triggers that bring the COT from data to real time application

World Economies in Upheaval - 10 Jun '09

Time has proven many of my forecasts correct but where do we stand now? What's the next economic direction? Will we wallow in the 8 dirty words of economics, confused, worried and frustrated? Or will be have a clear, objective and consistent roadmap to the future(s)? Watch my World Economies in Upheaval Webinar and find out!

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