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Unsolicited customer testimonials received by Jake - Part 5

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your help this year and to wish you and your family all the very best for this coming year. - PR 31 Dec. 08

Happy New Year! Thanks for sharing your knowledge with me thru your mentoring and Webinars. I appreciate your patience with my situation. All the best! - GD 31 Dec. 08

I just watched you on Can you please send me a complimentary copy of your forecast? I'm interested in all sectors, though particularly gold as I like your 'fear of massive inflation in our future'. Thank You very much. FYI - I also watch and learn from you on Ira Epstein's daily mid-day updates. You're a master, a true master. - WP 16 Dec. 08

Just wanted to shoot you a message to tell you that I've managed to earn over 9% on my accounts, net commissions, this week alone using your techniques. - PS 12 Dec. 08

I can't thank you enough for your advice. I follow you in Yorba.TV, Ira Epstein and your Seasonal Trader. It has saved me a lot of pain. - FB 10 Dec. 08

Jake Thanks for taking my call and helping me out like you do. It is so relieving in the world wind of a few months that I have had that you are there as my mentor. - JC 05 Dec. 08

I've learnt a great deal over this time, and am really looking forward to 2009. I still have one area to conquer, probably the most difficult or all, and that's myself. I hope to make inroads into this part of my education in the coming year. I am writing this to express my unreserved gratitude and thanks for your tutelage. - SR 02 Dec. 08

This has been a really great year for our fund. The introduction to Futures that i wanted this year is exclusively successful due to you, Jake. - LB 25 Nov. 08

I no longer live in fear in this life with the madness around us as I have been taught by you how to THINK, and see the Popular Delusions of Man and the Madness of Crowds all around us. - MB 21 Nov. 08

Your mentoring has been an immense help to me. I feel so confident about what I am doing. That confidence is giving me discipline. Yes, that's right! I am now trading with confidence and discipline. The change that I am seeing within myself is absolutely remarkable. Before you took me under your wing I was such a panic merchant. I was the victim of my own emotions and as a result I was a trading failure.
It is such a blessing having total objectivity about my trading decisions. I feel like I am in control and I am no longer subject to my every whim. Now I can even take a loss and accept it as part of the game without falling apart and beating myself up.

I know what your methods work and that they work consistently. I have watched so many of your trades come true that I feel confident in assuring you that I will not deviate from what you have taught me. I have sights firmly fixed on my trading goals and I know that your trading techniques are the success formula that will take me there.

Thank you so much for all your input and patience with me whilst I have been finding my feet and I'm looking forward to continued success with my coach and mentor. - PR 11 Nov. 08

Hi Jake, I wanted to Thank You, as I have logged profit of just over $30,000 since invoking your system excursively (on) Oct. 7th. - GP 05 Nov. 08

So far I have taken six (6) hours of your Webinars and want you to know I really enjoyed them, and have learned much. - SS

Cha-Ching! regarding the seasonal gold trade (and let's not forget this months 10 yr note and euro trades) Again, I just want to say that working with and learning from you is one of the smartest decisions I have ever made. Thank You So Much !!!

Jake, AWESOME call on the Gold. WOW! I wish I followed you on it. Although I did follow you on the HMY and was wondering if you think it is time to sell HMY now. Love your commentaries on Michael's and Ira's sites. Love the COT reports as well.

Thanks for the last 2 seminars in particular, I am learning and making MONEY! I went to the Genesis site that you provided the e-mail address for during the seminar and I looked at the description of the 3 levels of their programs and I remain in confusion what level I need.. What do you suggest? Thanks for your time and wisdom!

Hi Jake, My plays on GLD and HMY are working out very well today. Thank you so much! Thanks, we're earning a lot more now that we have implemented your methods!

Hi Jake, Boy you were sure right about the potential explosiveness of the gold market. Up over $50 today. I have put a stop at break even on one contract and am keeping the stop pn the second contract at 75% of profit. Thank you for your help in teaching me. I never would have been in this trade without your mentioning. I'm enjoying reading the MOM manual you sent. It's very understandable. You did a great job writing it.

For all the really cool stuff you teach ie., silver, gold, 30 minute b/o of course haven't even touched the surface yet but working on it. You're the best!

Hi Jake, Surfing the Big Kahuna wave today with gold mini futures (UNG options as well). I wouldn't have caught the wave without your guidance and Thanks! Q: Is this the biggest single day move up for gold?

Hello Jake, Before I get to my question, I just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU for all your efforts in making the rest of us better traders and ultimately more profitable in our endeavors. I have learnt a ton from you and now my confidence level is very high and I feel that I can almost make money at will as long as I follow the rules you have taught me. You are simply awesome! :)

Hi Jake, I had another good day using the 30 min BO method. Thanks! This is working for me and forcing me to keep focused on what the markets do intra day. Thanks very much!

Hello Jake, Just wanted to send along my thanks and appreciation for sharing your hard work in Saturday's seminar. I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to stay current with your methods and can see how some of them could fit in my trading style. This certainly was the best value for the money I have spent all year!

Learn the truth about trading... - R. Feb 3

The Webinar was superb! Thank you very much. Please send e-mail with suggestions on possible reference sources about break-way gaps. Best regards,

Jake - Hello WOW o-wow, this stuff really works ! I implemented the (1) half hr breakout, (2) 8o8c and (3) modification of the gap today. Then used blind faith for the follow thru upon triggering the setup. Your cookbook certainly is going to add MOJO to my success!

Your methods and mentor ship have been an invaluable tool in my education and my ability to plan, execute and follow through on my trades. What a difference compared to 'winging it' in the past. I am forever changed for the better and I just want to say THANK YOU! I have bought most of your books here. I am following the same. Thanks for showing me the way to EARN in the market. Thanks and Regards,

I think this site is not just great, but GREAT! ...keep up the good work Jake, you are many people's eye to the markets.

I thank you for your great product, I thank you for your weekly free newsletter, and most of all I thank you for showing me a product that has really and truly changed my life. I'm very proud to be associated with your organization and your products...
Mike Freidman

I have to thank you for turning me on to regular and decent profits...
Richard Haynie, Jr.

I have really appreciated your simple breakdown of a very complex system.. You have made my trading decisions much more focused
Jim Wesley

I believe that your perspective on trading is very valuable and deserves much credit...
Augusto Menendez

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