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Unsolicited customer testimonials received by Jake - Part 4

Jake, Thank you for my very first in my 15 or 16 yr trading career spread trade. It was a winner - 3.65 pts. for me. It was because you showed me on seasonal trades and you taught me to let a third position go until either break even or ending date of trade. Thank you... - JC 07 Apr. 09

Thank you so much for the work that we have done together. It has changed how I look at markets & what I expect from my Trading, all for the better. I look forward to the days ahead. - RG 02 Apr. 09

Hi Jake, Thank you again for your diligence on our behalf. Your comment on the Hot Trade about making money for us has been a reality. I think sometimes we wish the trades would come faster or make more on each one, but you have also taught us many methods and we can trade any of those methods on our own. These Hot Trades are the icing on the cake, and a added bonus in the pocket book that otherwise wouldn't be happening. I hope you know that you are appreciated because you are. Thanks Again!- SA 01 Apr. 09

A quick note from someone for whom things are working well. Thanks! You've turned my trading around. Cheers! - Dave 28 Mar. 09

All of your teachings, analysis and recommendations are absolutely excellent! I wish I had followed you from your inception of your endeavors. My sincere appreciation for all that you do. - D. F. 28 Mar. 09

Please know that as I key up my computer and pictures of great leaders come up on the side like Carnegie, Rockefeller, Neil Armstrong etc., I think of you. Why? Because you are making a difference in my life, for the better, just like these men did for society. You are very genuine in your concern for a student like myself. Thank you for being my mentor and for showing me a way out. My mentor Jake will always be in my prayers and I will always be greatful for your help in pulling me up. I do not know how to express my gratitude any more. Thank you Jake! - John 27 Mar. 09

Wow, I followed the rules a very smart investor taught me and I am sitting on 43% gains, and have 75% of those covered after taking 1/3 position off! THANKS, TEACHER! - GL 25 Mar. 09

Hi Jake, Thanks for informing us in advance that the DOW will move upward within this period of time. Frankly, it's difficult for me to believe in the power of your 'seasonal trade' but now I'm starting to trust it. Thanks again for your lessons, especially the ETG! It's really a great help for me. As you always said, 'repetition makes us perfect'. - JK 25 Mar. 09

Thanks Jake! We are getting the alerts now on a txt msg. Your service is Fantastic! So much appreciated. - BM 23 Mar. 09

Wonderful profits so far on Freeport and DOW Jones, Thanks! I even bought aluminum foil yesterday for the Alcoa trade! - GL 22 Mar. 09

Hi Jake, I would just sincerely like to say 'Thanks for the great informative Webinars on the ETG that you share with us weekly'. And by listening carefully to the last two Webinars, which had a lot of excellent information, resulted in very good trades being triggered with the methods ... - JS 19 Mar. 09

I wasn't able to attend your live 5 Hr seminar on the 21st Feb about 'Day and Short-Term Trading'. Over the weekend is when I completed viewing of the recorded sessions. THANK YOU your sessions are great! - DP 16 Mar. 09

Just keep helping me become a Trader i.e. doing what you are doing and answering my mail questions as they arise. I appreciate it that you actually take the time to respond to emails from your ex students and followers. Hope the template works ok. - CR 16 Mar. 09

Just wanted to say Thank You Jake. Went long on the eMini S&P based on your seasonal of the DOW. Just starting to really appreciate your excellent techniques. Thank You Jake! - TK 13 Mar. 09

Dear Jake, THANK YOU VERY MUCH, not only for your wishes but I can now go on vacation knowing that I can make my living trading your methods. Again Thank You so much! - RAC 12 Mar. 09

Hey Jake, Thanks for the Crude Oil Seasonal trade. It was a ripper! Regards, - MA 12 Mar. 09

Today was the exit date for the seasonal crude trade. It has turned out very well as you well know. I will continue to trail a stop at 75% on the last position. I want to thank you again for all the teaching that you have done for me. I believe I still have a long long way to go in learning but because of you I'm gaining more confidence. - SA 9 Mar. 09

Hi Jake, It was a great week following your 'Hot Trades'. It was so astounding! - MS 6 Mar. 09

Good Morning Jake! I am finding the accuracy of your selections simply amazing! Jakes Hot Tips is the best thing since sliced bread ... LOL! You've been a blessing to us all. - PA 6 Mar. 09

I want to send A BIG THANK YOU for this weeks work. - JM 6 Mar. 09

Thank you so much for verifying that my setup is correct... I am very happy with the system and its performance has met my expectations... - SW 3 Mar. 09

Just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed your ETG Webinars. You give a lot of precise info on the markets! - TW 2 Mar. 09

Just a quick note to say Thank You for your tip on the Swiss Franc. What a blessing! I've already bagged profits at our target. Sir your ability to read the markets is second to none. Once again Jake Thank You. I am extremely thankful for this new service. - PR 24 Feb. 09

Hi Jake! Great Webinar on Saturday - as usual! - DN 23 Feb. 09

I already trade your BTIS System and the results is positive. That is a great feeling!
I also work every day on your methods with success! Best Regards - RA 23 Feb. 09

Learn the truth about trading... - R. Feb 3

The three months of mentor ship with you have been outstanding. You have been very patient with me and I have learned a great deal. Once again, Thank you for opening my eyes to a better approach to trading. - ML 27 Jan. 09

Great Session on Saturday... Thanks for the Life Changing information! - GB 26 Jan. 09

Thanks for all you do in your seminars. They really help. The spreads seminar was awesome. I will have to get tech support to help set up charts. I really like what you showed. My eyes really lit up when you showed the last setup on the elite traders seminars. As you know I have always been intrigued with day trading. - S.B. 25 Jan. 09

I find these (ETG) sessions and your entire program to be absolutely outstanding.. - DF 19 Jan. 09

Hi Jake, Just wanted to tell you how much I continue to enjoy your Webinars. Your Webinars, one on one and seasonals... have paid off very handsomely in my gold stock. - PD 12 Jan. 09

Thank you for your Elite Trader Group.This is the best way for me to learn trading first hand, as the weeks have gone by I have seen first hand how the systems work on the winning and the losing side. I have a small account size after two years but I'm sill in the game so good for me. - CT 06 Jan. 09

Just wanted to write to say Thank You for offering the mentoring program and taking us on as students. I don't think I would have started trading if I hadn't been a student of your first. I still find it scary at times, but I hear your voice in my head when I am wondering what to do, so your lessons really sunk in... I have a systematic way of doing things that (mostly) fits into my life as a mom so
I consider our time together to have been a great success. - DH 06 Jan. 09

First of all I want to wish you all a Happy New Year!
Secondly, I do appreciate the Webinar, and the advice that is being shared with us each week. I learn so much from a professional and personal standpoint. By the way my trading has improved, so I really expect a very good 2009! Thanks again for extending the sessions. Sincerely, - KH 31 Dec. 08

Happy New Year 2009! I would like to thank you for your help and service. You are the best trader I have found. - MJ 31 Dec. 08

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