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Unsolicited customer testimonials received by Jake - Part 3

You are one special person, unique in the world of trading who has helped lots of folks succeed beyond their wildest dreams, including me. - R.P. 16 Sep '09

Hi Jake, I will take this opportunity to begin to email you more often and ask some questions that I have not asked. I did take your mentorship program but find these ETG sessions absolutely wonderful! Especially this last set where you email your recommendations and trades. This has been an eye opener as talking about trades and executing them are two different beasts. I have to thank you again because this time you have gone above and beyond. You put a lot into your webinars weekly and you should know that I am sure that I/we all appreciate your time and effort. You are an excellent teacher who reflects integrity, sincereity, intelligence and care for your students. We're lucky to have you. - P.D.
16 Sep '09

Jake was right again! Good Call....Great seasonal trade! - K.P. 16 Sep '09

Jake, I must thank you, you have been a very big help. I'm trading better than I have in years. I know the difference between streaks and solid training, and this isn't a streak. I've been trading well since last December. I owe you a very big thank you. Two or three times over the years I've walked away from active trading. I enjoy it again & that makes all the difference. - P.S. 16 Sep '09

Hi Jake, Yes this is a really nice experience to see how you master all of this. I am truly lucky to have you as a teacher and mentor. Each week I learn new things that I can add to the basket of tricks that you have provided me. - Sid 16 Sep '09

Jake, gold trade was great! - D.B. 16 Sep '09

Yes we are learning heaps and appreciate your hard work and effort leading us through it - worth all in GOLD this time!!! - E.W. 16 Sep '09

It's been really eye opening watching you grow this small trading account by merely using what you have taught us the past few months. No one can say it can't be done with a small account - the rate you are going is what ??? 2500% APR ??? No one else has the confidence to walk the walk. Thanks! - P.B. 05 Sep '09

Watching you trade your ETS portfolio and your dedication in providing us regular feedback is I think very instructive and valuable. What I like about it is that I get to watch your decision making and approach in a more specific real time situation. I feel I understand all your rules very well but in our previous ETG format, found that there were too many choices. The current program (ETS) is much more focused and realistic. - C.L.B. 04 Sep '09

I have taken all ouf your trades but the cattle trade. This was an error on my part caused by my schedule. My opinion of this program is easy - it is the best - your the master - from your analysis of the market to selection of trades. I don't believe anyone else but you has the pulse of the market and is willing to stick your neck out and be "spot on". You also are impeccably honest in a market that is prone to have "sharpies at best" and Bernies" at worst. My motto - "Follow the King". - D.F. 04 Sep '09

Jake What time do you get up in the morning, are you working all the time? I know one thing, your trading methods work, most news is old news, and by the time the news releases the story the transaction should have been excuted and probably out of the trade. - Ken 04 Sep '09

Thank You Jake, Even after having been a foreign exchange dealer for a decade - to know a clear procedure like the one you developed is a blessing. Thank You for teaching me! - I.S. 04 Sep '09

Good Morning Jake, I sure hope you will consider maintaining this trading account (ETS II) and these updates beyond the 8 sessions. This information (Elite Trader Sessions II) has been invaluable and makes ALL the difference in the world. Your mentoring sessions and ETS have helped me trememdously to gain a new confidence, and your emails and screen shots related to the trades are filling many gaps in my knowledge. I realize how much I don't know but I do know who I can get an answer from
Keep up the excellent work Jake! You are a blessing. Thanks, - J.R. 02 Sep '09

Thanks for the Webinar last night. I wondered the reasoning for your projections, and it all came together and made sense. Thanks for everything. Some people can BS. You have the real thing - J.S. 01 Sep '09

Jake, Thank you so much for all you have taught me so far this summer. Amazing to look back already and see all the changes I've made since Vegas - all for the better! You are a great teacher and person. - Sincerely R.B. 30 Jul '09

Thank you for explaining the s/l, it is as I thought but I did not know we use it for the MAC in stocks. Retrospective my experience has been priceless and I have had returns many times the cost involved. - Erika 28 Jul '09

Hi Jake, Thanks for educating me on The Wonderful World of Spreads! Euro/Yen Awesome! CD/AD still profitable, Notes/Bonds doing well, Wheat/Beans YES. I bought the Seasonal Charts on Futures & Spreads and refer to the often. Nice to know when a trigger comes it is reinforced by years of history! - P.B. 15 Jul '09

Hi Jake, I attended your webinar on Saturday and would like to personally thank you for generously presenting your knowledge in such a clear and seemingly effortless way. My measure of genius is the ability to explain apparently complex issues with simplicity and clarity such that a child could comprehend and you certainly did this in a most inspiring and scholarly manner. Very rarely can a webinar hold my attention for too long but I was glued to the screen for the whole time and was totally entranced by your presentation. So I would just like to take the time to thank you. THANK YOU for your kindness and generosity! - G.S. 29 Jun '09

Good Morning Jake, Thanks for terrific TSD Webinars! (Trade System Development) - Barry 29 Jun '09

Hi Jake! Want to thank you for a stellar trade with coffee based on your seasonal work. I just exited a position at the close today for a profit of $4,275. The remaining position will stay on with parabolic as the stop. Thanks for all that you have taught me and for the work you do to insure that I can be a better trader. Without you and your methods I would be a very confused and frustrated trader. Your methods are so clear and precise, I thoroughly enjoy working with you. I certainly don't tell you or thank you enough. Thanks Again! - S.A. 22 Jun '09

I get more from your Newsletter than meets the eye. Everything you write I ask why you take that approach, and try to learn from your thoughts. I don't know if everyone uses it that way, but you are teaching in your writings. Maybe the 'Mentor Program' helped me to look at it that way. The newsletter also provides valuable insight into what you see coming. You have a gift in the markets most of us wish for. Thanks again for all you have done! - Jim, 18 Jun '09

GREAT Seminar last night!
Last year's 'Coming Commodity Crash' helped me tremendously. It gave me the background to start selling cash corn and soybeans when everyone turned bullish. Thank You! - Randy, 11 Jun '09

Hey Jake,
I am doing the EDTG with you, and wanted to drop you a note to say Thanks Heaps for doing them, and I like your style...clear and objective.. so much that I don't have a question, just a Thanks! - T.H. 14 May '09

April was a great month, thank you very much. My regular account was up 31.64% AFTER. I am learning and if I had known then what I know now!! LOL, you must hear that refrain often. I keep some trade notes, and the mind set has radically changed for the better & the results show it. - G.L. 11 May '09

Dear Mr. Bernstein, I don't know how much I appreciate your kindness for giving me 'Elite Traders Group III Webinar'. I don't know enough words to express my appreciation. I am looking forward to meeting you in person on Las Vegas end of May Seminar. Thank you so much!!! You are such a genius and really admired person from my heart. Thank you again and again. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY. With respect, From your student for life - ML 30 Apr. 09

I exited well and made a nice profit - Thank You!!! A great start to spread trading. - DH 08 Apr. 09

Thank you for your systematic and didactic teaching. I have enjoyed studying the recorded webinars you have sent me, they were very clear and objective, I have almost no questions about those methods. - RA 07 Apr. 09

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